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TECLAC has now taken a forward-looking step: At the turn of the month in April this year, Hübner-KTB Oberflächentechnik GmbH acquired a 45 per cent stake in TECLAC. In view of TECLAC’s focussed product portfolio to date, the merger with the Allgäu-based company is a logical step.

While TECLAC’s range of services previously only included the high-quality painting of plastic surfaces, the industry-experienced protagonist can now offer a ‘complete programme’. Hübner-KTB also covers the area of high-quality galvanised plastic parts.

TECLAC Managing Director Niklas Werner explains: ‘Joining forces with Hübner-KTB is the right step to be able to offer our customers in the automotive sector customised solutions. Both companies face similar challenges and, as medium-sized companies, speak the ‘same language’. These synergies will enable us to significantly increase our order volume, focus on the non-automotive sector, for example, and jointly expand our market position. With this merger, we see new opportunities for growth and development, especially on the way to ‘one-stop-shop’ solutions. We expect the economically stable basis to continue to grow in the future in the interests of our employees, thereby safeguarding jobs.’

Companies operate on a similar scale
Both companies have a similar turnover of around 50 to 55 million euros. Hübner-KTB is a renowned company with many years of experience in the development and provision of state-of-the-art technology solutions for the production and electroplating of plastic parts. The company is characterised by its innovative strength and its ability to adapt quickly to the changing requirements of the market. The investment is also intended to further strengthen its position as an important centre of innovation.

TECLAC in Fulda, an established company in the field of painted plastic surfaces for the automotive supply industry, has an impressive track record and a strong market position. As a result of the investment by Hübner-KTB, the focus for both companies is on comprehensive expertise and the expansion of resources.

Hübner-KTB offers these in particular in the areas of research, development and market access. Managing Directors Guido Marenbach and Dr Carsten Brockmann, together with the shareholders of Hübner-KTB, commented positively on this strategic decision: ‘Joining TECLAC is an important step for Hübner-KTB to expand its portfolio. We are confident that the combination of the two companies will create synergies that will benefit our customers and partners.’ TECLAC will continue to operate under its established brand name and with the existing management team.