Quality management

Focusing on customer satisfaction - IATF 16949: 2016

What customers expect from TECLAC Werner GmbH is professional reliability as a supplier in the automotive supply chain. As a consequence, sophisticated quality management is the prerequisite for consolidating competitiveness. This is the reason why it is a matter of course for TECLAC to meet the requirements of the quality standards ISO 9001:2015 and the globally accepted standard of the automotive industry IATF 16949:2016 and to implement these consistently. Ultimately, this serves the objective of ensuring customer satisfaction through optimised and systematic processes.

The basis for the constant improvement of process quality are the motivated and trained employees of TECLAC. Interdisciplinary teams use quality assurance methods such as FMEA and other statistical instruments to minimise errors during production process planning and in the series phase.

Quality management certificate IATF 2016
Energy management certificate ISO 2011

Energy management

DIN EN ISO 50001:2011

The energy management system of TECLAC in Fulda was successfully audited in 2013 by the external certification organization DEKRA. At TECLAC, energy flows are systematically recorded, appraised and evaluated with regard to the existing energy saving potential, to be able to make decisions for investments in energy efficiency.

The TECLAC company now contributes to a systematic approach to lower operating costs, increase supply security, conserve resources and ultimately achieve the energy policy goals set by the EU. This way, TECLAC has created the prerequisites to act as an economic partner in the supply chain of the automotive industry at the same time as energy-efficient and environmentally friendly production methods, even with increasing energy costs.

Environmental management

DIN EN ISO 14001:2015

Environmental protection and the accurate use of resources are crucial to TECLAC. TECLAC takes the relevant requirements of the legislature very seriously; in all cases, it operates far below the permissible threshold values.

The company is aware that environmental protection is a continuous process and must be continually optimised to minimise environmental damage. For this reason, successes are always scrutinised to find even better solutions.

The aspiration is to meet tomorrow's requirements today. TECLAC has introduced an environmental management system according to DIN EN ISO 14001:2015 to be able to correspond to aspects of environmental management even more systematically.

Environmental management ISO 14001_2015 TECLAC 1